Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Unfortunately I'm not Linkedin right now

     I've been meaning to post another blog updating everyone on my use of Linkedin but I'm afraid my use of the website has been very limited considering I've been sick.

I spent some time checking everything out on the site trying to figure out how to use it and just felt super confused.

I added new people to my contacts list. I had no idea so many of my friends already had a profile on Linkedin and actually use it.

I think for the time being Linkedin is not a useful site for me. Considering I already have a job and I am not currently looking for a new one, Linkedin just isnt helpful.

 I think it will be a very helpful tool in the future after I have a degree and am seeking a career in my field of study. I think it is really cool to see a lot of my friends on Linkedin and be able to see where they work. We all have such different work fields it will be interesting to see if our work paths ever cross. It will also be cool to see how my contact list grows in the future and if my contacts get in touch with one another to help them in their careers.

I'll have another post with a better review of Linkedin later when I am feeling a little better.

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