I am thinking of using my research paper on Facebook censorship for my website.
I had posed several questions in my research paper that I never actually found answers to and ended up removing a lot of them before my final draft.
It will be cool to have a website that people can click on the questions and get different arguments to answer that question and come to their own conclusions.
The main questions I am thinking of using are:
Can Facebook protect free speech?
Does Facebook protect free speech?
Are the features like reporting a user a necessity?
What should the governemts role in censorship be?
How does censorship transfer over internationally?
What should be censored?
Who needs to be protected by censorship?
What is the purpose in disclosing the information we do on social networking websites?
Something like that ...with one question leading to another question.
I will also have a page for my sources and Facebook's specific privacy policies.
I am thinking of going through and pulling out important quotes from their Terms and Conditions Policy too.
My biggest concern for this website is I have a lot of information and it may be overwhelming to readers. The hardest part is going to be condensing the information and making it interesting.